979.021.098 | 678.350.004 am.kalin@hotmail.com

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Alter: 48
Sternzeichen: Steinbock
Groesse (cm): 161
Gewicht (kg): 52
Augenfarbe: blau
Haarfarbe: dunkelblond
Ausbildung: Universität
Beruf: Juristin
Familienstand: geschieden
Kinder: Sohn 19 j.a.
Wuerde gerne mehr Kinder haben: möglich
Hobbys, Talente: Sport , Musik , Tanzen , Reisen , Theater , Kunst , Lesen , Natur , Filme , Mode , Ausgehen .
Character: gutherzig , zärtlich , wissbegierig , aufrichtig , romantisch , ausgeglichen , lebhaft , sinnlich , sorgsam , elegant , lebenslustig , treu , familienorientierte , liebe Kinder , anständig , humorvoll , intelligent .
Rauchen: nein
andere Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch ( normal - ausreichendes Verständnis, braucht keinen Dolmetscher) .
Religion: Orthodox
Nationalitaet: Belarussin
Ueber Mann:
Alter von 40 bis 57
Groesse (cm) von 168 bis 187
Partner hat Kinder: gut
Idealer Partner: intelligent , sorgsam , treu , familienorientiert , großzugig , lebenslustig , gebildet , verantwortungsvoll , selbstbewusst , anständig , ehrlich , ausgeglichen , ohne schädliche Gewohnheiten , zuverlässig .
On the one hand, I am realistic, serious, punctual. This is an imprint thanks to my profession, because I am a lawyer.
On the other hand, I am positive, optimistic, sincere, gentle, a bit romantic in life. I lead an active lifestyle.
I'm frnd of sports. I am a candidate master of sports in fitness and was the champion of Belarus in fitness in the past. Nowadays I prefer yoga, swimming, walking. I also like a little extreme. On vacation I like skiing in the mountains, diving.

At the same time, sometimes I'm quiet, thoughtful and a little bit sentimental, like when I'm reading a book (I like fiction) or watching a good movie. I'm trying to develop as a person. I like visiting museums, exhibitions, theatre, concerts, ballet. Of course, I do not visit these places every day)))
I love life and enjoy to wake up in the morning with the rays of the sun kissing my face. I enjoy coffee in the morning. I like cats, they seem perfect to me. I hope to meet my soul mate.
Perhaps it will be a man from European countries, because they are closer in mentality. I would like to create a harmonious relationship based on respect, care and love. I am sure that the fusion of two different cultures can make relationships more interesting, brighter and more harmonious.

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