979.021.098 | 678.350.004 am.kalin@hotmail.com

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Eta: 35
Segno zodiacale: Acquario
Altezza (cm): 163
Peso (kg): 60
Colore degli occhi: verdi
Colore dei capelli: rossi
Studi: superiore
Professione: impiegata
Stato civile: nubile
Figli: NO
Vorrebbe avere figli: si
Hobby,capacita: sport , musica , viaggi , teatro , lettura , natura , attivita fuori casa .
Carattere: buona , affettuosa , curiosa , lavoratrice , sincera , romantica , equilibrata , spontanea , attiva , sincera , premurosa , fine , allegra , fedele , orientata alla famiglia , socievole , che le piacciono i bambini , onorata , simpatica , intelligente .
Fumatore: no
Altre lingue: italiano ( pessimo - puo capire qualche parola, ha bisogno di interprete) , tedesco ( pessimo - puo capire qualche parola, ha bisogno di interprete) , inglese ( pessimo - puo capire qualche parola, ha bisogno di interprete) .
Religione: altra
Nazionalita: russa
Sul marito:
Eta da 37 fino ___
Altezza (cm) da 178 fino 200
Il compagno ha figli: preferisca senza figli
Aspettative della coppia ideale: intelligente , buono , premuroso , fedele , stabile economicamente , simpatico , che gli piacciano i bambini , che gli piaccia la famiglia , generoso , affascinante , allegro , atletico , educato , responsabile , affettuoso , sicuro di se , decente , onesto , socievole , equilibrato , sincero , senza abitudini deleterie , serio , sicuro .
I was born in the capital of the Urals in a family of leaders and creative people. In my veins flows the blood of brave and courageous ancestors. For example, my great-grandfather was the bodyguard of emperor Nicholas II.
I studied at one of the most prestigious music schools in Russia, and graduated from the Conservatory with a red diploma.

I know how to play the most complex musical instrument and in addition to this, I can also play 5 instruments more.

For three years I used to work in the best orchestra in the city and was an accompanist.

I realized my childhood dream and became a singer, working as a soloist of the theater for 7 years.
I also played in musicals and entered the top 16 most beautiful actresses.

Winner of the award for creativity in show business.
So my imagination is enough to make a fire show even in the bathroom!
My work is my favorite hobby and part of my bright life.

I also like outdoor activities and sports. I jumped with a parachute and fly in an air tube. I love traveling, mountains and hiking, I have passed the longest gorge in Europe.
I am fond of yoga and dance improvisation.

Now I study a lot and do spiritual practices. In order to open a school of development and creativity in the future, relying on music, theater, psychology and spirituality. There I will stage children's musical performances.
I'm also going to release my music albums by 2025.

My life will be bright and eventful(intense) even when I turn 120 years old.
And what are your goals?

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